Graham Alford was a music enthusiast who, during late 1955/early 1956 worked as a TV & radio apprentice in a shop called “Frank’s Radio & Television” situated in Fore Street, Trowbridge, his home town. For lunch, Graham’s boss would depart for his customary one-hour break and the shop was left in the hands of the young teenager. Somewhat bored by the lack of frenzied shopping activity, Graham took advantage of the absence of his immediate superior by listening to records on the store’s radiogram at full volume. This soon attracted an eager audience, the core of which were mostly old mates from his schooldays. DespiteRead More →

In the great global scheme of things, Rock N’Roll’s origins are not that easy to track down. We know that it’s an American invention, we also understand that it was conceived from a successful amalgamation of Rhythm N’Blues with some of the more vibrant strains of Country & Western. But it’s emergence was not something that happened overnight, consequently it was always likely to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Theories abound as to what the first rock n’roll record may have been but no-one really knows for sure. As comedian Rich Hall recently put it “Trying to determine when rock n’roll was formed is like tryingRead More →